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  • Lava Rock Bracelet

Lava Rock Bracelet

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A grounding and balancing crystal that can help to dispel negative energies and promote new beginnings. It offers physical healing benefits for the feet and aids in energy balance and emotional healing.

1st Chakra

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Lava Rock is a well-formed and powerful crystal that is essential to any healing practice. This crystal has strong earth and fire energies, owing to its formation in the Earth's fiery center, and is an excellent aid in balancing and grounding the Base Chakra. When used in meditation, Lava Rock helps to promote a sense of calm and grounding, enabling individuals to explore their inner worlds without fear or hesitation.

Lava Rock is also a protective crystal that gives the user a sense of power and security. By deepening one's connection to the physical world and helping to relieve fears associated with physical existence, Lava Rock can help individuals to feel safe and secure, even in challenging situations. When used during meditation, this crystal can help to activate the root chakra, bringing forth higher energies, thoughts, and feelings, and promoting a sense of grounding and connection to the present moment.

In addition to its grounding and protective properties, Lava Rock is also a powerful tool for transformation and personal growth. By extinguishing distracting thoughts and promoting a clean slate for new ideas and visions, Lava Rock helps to unleash the real you and lay fresh ground for your roots. As a purification crystal, Lava Rock clears and purifies negative energy better than any other stone, relieving both mental and physical stress and acting as a "stress absorber."

Powerful crystal with a range of benefits for those seeking greater grounding, protection, and transformation. Whether you are seeking to activate your root chakra, explore your inner world, or protect yourself from negative energy, Lava Rock is an essential addition to any healing practice.

Physical: This stone is particularly useful for foot health, including conditions such as bunions, corns, sore feet, toes, and verrucas. By promoting energy balance throughout the body, Lava Rock can also help to combat feelings of depression and lack of energy, restoring vitality and promoting overall health and well-being. 

Emotional: Helps to dispel negative emotions such as anger, fear, and negativity. By burning away remnants of the past that may be holding you back, this stone can facilitate new beginnings and start over, promoting a sense of grounding and stability, especially when success beckons.

Whether you are feeling homesick or disconnected from those around you, Lava Stone can help to restore a sense of connection and belonging, promoting mindfulness and helping you to be more aware of your words and actions in social settings. It is also an excellent tool for mental stability, helping you to bounce back from difficult circumstances and guide you towards a place of understanding and positive change.

As a stone of rebirth and the Phoenix, Lava Stone elevates your vibrational fields and helps to connect you with those around you at a higher level. With its high vibrational force and strong Earth energy, Lava Stone is a powerful tool for spiritual enlightenment and personal growth. Whether you are seeking to dispel negative emotions, promote positivity and change, or simply connect more deeply with those around you, Lava Stone is an essential addition to any emotional healing practice.

Chakra: Excellent aid for balancing and healing the Base or Root Chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with our physical foundation, and it governs our sense of security, safety, and stability. When this chakra is out of balance, we may feel ungrounded, anxious, or fearful, and we may struggle with physical issues such as fatigue or back pain.

Using Lava Stone in chakra healing can help to restore balance to the Root Chakra, promoting a sense of groundedness, stability, and security. The strong earth and fire energies of Lava Stone, which are a result of its formation in the Earth's fiery center, make it an especially powerful tool for this purpose. By connecting us to the Earth's energies and promoting a sense of stability and security, Lava Stone can help us to feel more centered and grounded in our physical bodies.

In addition to its benefits for the Root Chakra, Lava Stone is also thought to be beneficial for healing and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the upper abdomen. This chakra is associated with our sense of personal power, willpower, and confidence. When this chakra is out of balance, we may struggle with issues such as low self-esteem or a lack of motivation.

Using Lava Stone in chakra healing can help to restore balance to the Solar Plexus Chakra, promoting a sense of confidence, motivation, and personal power. By harnessing the fiery energy of Lava Stone, we can tap into our inner strength and willpower, and feel more confident and empowered in our daily lives. Whether you are seeking to balance your Root or Solar Plexus Chakra, Lava Stone is a valuable tool for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and growth.

With its grounding and balancing properties, it can help to promote a sense of stability, security, and confidence, while dispelling negative energies and facilitating new beginnings. Whether you are looking to heal and balance your chakras, relieve stress and anxiety, or simply feel more grounded and centered in your daily life, Lava Stone is a valuable tool that can help you achieve your goals. So, whether you are a seasoned crystal healer or a curious beginner, don't hesitate to explore the many benefits of Lava Stone for yourself.


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